Creating A Top-Quality Research Paper Introduction In Five Steps

Many people fuss over writing the introduction to their research paper, and this can be understandable seeing that there is no one-fit-all approach. It is agreed among scholars that the topic, context, and rationale for your research should be captured in the introduction. Doing this will give way to whatever research questions you have as well as the stated hypothesis. A catchy introduction is critical so as to gain the reader’s attention before getting to the statement of the hypothesis.

  1. The Paper Topic
  2. The paper topic no doubt needs an introduction and how long it should be greatly depends on what kind of research you are writing on. Never forget to set the context in motion with your introduction of the paper topic.

  3. The Key Words
  4. Research papers meant for publication are often required to be accompanied by keywords that will set the tone for the core area that your research paper will address. It is fair game to add the keywords to your title and deepen it in the introduction. It is advisable to include your keywords in the opening few lines of your introduction.

  5. The Context
  6. To sufficiently establish that you have a grasp of the scholarship and on-going debates in your field, you need to reference literature that has been published in the given area of research. Demonstrating a broad understanding of the subject matter can be reinforced by the papers you cite.

  7. Outline the Research Questions and Hypothesis
  8. Having established the basis for your research and the prevailing rationale for the research you are writing, it is important to outline the questions that your effort is addressing. A progressive development of the question should permeate the paper from the introduction to conclusion.

  9. The Structure
  10. The introduction needs to capture in few lines the structure of the research paper. A read of this part of your article should provide insight on how the sections have been broken down and organized. The discipline you are writing on would normally have a writing convention, so stick to what obtains in your field. While the social sciences provide ample room to structure your paper to suit your desire, the natural sciences work a bit differently and stick to a rigid pattern.

Understanding how your field works is important when writing a research paper and sticking to established conventions will earn you some plaudits.

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